The episode starts with Kabir telling Thapki to kick the Pandeys out of house as per the challenge's agreement. Thapki asks, me? Kabir says, yes, you, or should I do it myself, with extra force... Thapki cries. She touches Vasundhara's feet and takes her baggage out. Kabir goes inside. Shraddha claps and says, excellent Thapki, you're way ahead of me in doing bad things.
Vasundhara says, stop it, Shraddha, Thapki is just doing what was decided, don't compare yourself with her, she can't do anything wrong, I'll even give her my life if she asks for it, I'll always support her, I trust her even now. Shraddha says, and that's why you're suffering, your loving Thapki has just snatched everything from us; come, we're leaving. The Pandeys leave. Vasundhara says, don't worry Thapki, I can understand. Thapki touches her feet and says, Maa... Vasundhara blesses her. Bihaan tells Vasundhara that he's not blind like her, and goes.
Bihaan looks at their god's idol from outside. Thapki calls him, Bihaan—and cries. Bihaan lifts his hand towards her. Thapki is about to hold it when Kabir comes and stops her. Bihaan folds his hand in shame and cries. Sankar comes and asks Bihaan to come along, saying, you love Thapki so much but she has snatched everything from you, kill your love for her, she isn't worth it. Aati Rahengi Baharein song plays. Sankar holds Bihaan's hands and pulls her out.
Bihaan is still looking at Thapki, recalling all their good moments... The Pandeys turn and look at their house, for the last time maybe, and get emotional recalling their happy and sad moments in there. Vasundhara and Pandey cries. They leave. Thapki sits on ground crying.
Neha regains consciousness and calls Kabir. Kabir, who's standing beside her, asks, how did you reach here? Neha says, I followed you last night. Kabir says, please don't do that again, what would I have done had anything happen to you? Neha says, I won't repeat any such thing. Kabir says, promise... Neha suddenly starts crying, saying, that man, Bihaan, was here. Kabir says, I know, I have taken revenge from him, I've kicked him and his family out of this house. Neha asks, everyone? Kabir nods.
Neha says, please stop Thapki, she's nice, she saved me from a mad dog; stop her, do as I say, and keep her happy always. Kabir says, your wish is my command, sister, I won't harm her—and hugs her. Thapki is crying outside the house. Kabir asks her to come inside. Thapki asks, what do you need from me now when you've snatched my everything? Kabir asks her to come, and takes her in his car. Thapki says, I don't want to go with you... The Pandeys are walking on the road. A beggar comes and begs in front of them.
Shraddha imagines herself in the beggar's place and says, Aditi snatched my Dhruv from me, making me a second wife, and now her big sister, Thapki, has snatched our house, I'll teach them an unforgettable lesson. Preeti and Suman also imagine themselves as roadside saleswomen and cries, asking god to do some miracle... Just then, they see a car approaching, Kabir's car. Thapki asks Kabir to stop the car, but he speeds it up towards the Pandeys. Sankar gets scared and moves back. Bihaan stands still.
Kabir stops his car. Sankar comes in front and asks him if he wants to kill them. Kabir says, I want to give y'all one more chance. Bihaan looks on. Kabir says, unlike you, I have a big heart, so I'll give you another chance to get your house back, I challenge you to earn 5 million in 1 month. Everyone gets shocked and happy. Kabir says, if you fail in this challenge then I'll sell your Pandey Niwas at a very cheap price. Shraddha and Suman thank God. Kabir asks, have you accepts my challenge? Bihaan says, no. Everyone gets shocked. Shraddha ask, why aren't you accepting this miracle, Bihaan? Vasundhara says, Bihaan's decision is final. Sankar also refuses to accept the offer.
Thapki chips in and says, Bihaan, you've done the right thing by rejecting Kabir's challenge as you can't earn even 5rs through hardwork and honesty; you don't know anything other than breaking people's houses and hearts; you're illiterate and arrogant, a disgrace to mankind; don't show off your dumbness and false manhood in front of scholars like us, else you'll get insulted; go, go and run on the street, the place a useless person like you belongs, you people deserve this.
Bihaan shouts, shut your mouth, Thapki, you've said I'm dumb and you're learned, right?—now you'll see what this illiterate man can do. He goes to Kabir and says, I accept your challenge. Kabir smiles. Bihaan says, I'll earn 5 million in a month and prove you and your wife wrong. Shraddha, Suman and Preeti get happy. Sankar gets tensed. Kabir says, best of luck, Bihaan Pandey—and smiles. Thapki gets relaxed. Bihaan asks her family to come home. Vasundhara thinks, I know Thapki said all this just to make Bihaan accept the challenge, I hope he wins.
Thapki cries. Kabir looks at her. Thapki asks, why have you done this? Kabir says, for you—and the part I couldn't do, your love did. Thapki says, not love but my hatred towards Bihaan—what my love couldn't do, my hatred did; so, start the countdown, get ready to leave Pandey Niwas; my Bihaan will earn 5 million in a month, as he promised, and win the house back—and this is my challenge to you. Kabir says, I accepts your challenge, Thapki, let's see who wins—and smiles.
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