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 8 min 10 sec

Written by:  Senior Kiongos


The Episode starts with Dhruv shouting, Thapki... and looking for her. He says, why are you doing this, why are you making me helpless? Bihaan too calls Thapki. Thapki runs away. She gets shocked on seeing Dhruv, and hides. Dhruv catches her, and says, I'm sorry, you know I don’t like this, come with me. She cries, and says, please let me go with Bihaan. He asks her not to call Bihaan’s name again! She cries.



How could you hide such big thing, Pandey asks Vasundara, that Dhruv was the one in the mandap? Dadimaa asks, how could you do such a big sin? Shraddha says, I told Vasundara to tell everyone, what will happen now? Vasundara cries and says, I thought I could talk it out with Dhruv, but his mind was already fixed; he even aimed a gun at his head, how could I let him die? Pandey asks, how could you sacrifice Bihaan and Thapki’s happiness, Dhruv has turned into a senseless animal, he is not your son, you should have left him to die. Sanjay asks Pandey to call Bihaan.


Dhruv gets Thapki to some place. She cries and says, your love will be left incomplete as the marriage and rituals... He says, wait, no rituals will be left incomplete, my love will get completed, will you go anywhere? She shouts, Bihaan! He ties her and asks her to stay there. She cries. Bihaan looks for Thapki, calling her to the top of his voice.



Dhruv gets henna leaves and says, I told you none of our marriage rituals will be incomplete. He takes a stone and grinds the leaves. She cries. Bihaan is still in the jungle; he calls out Thapki. He says, where did Dhruv take her, how shall I find her? Dhruv says, now we will do henna ritual. He frees her hand and asks her to come for the ritual. She cries. He makes her sit. She asks him, what are you doing, have you gone blind? He says, a person gets blind in love, I love you. She says, don’t come close, I will shout. She calls out Bihaan.


He gets angry and breaks a bottle, then asks her, do you have to keep shouting, or are you done? She says, forgive me, let me go. He shouts, just sit, I fold hands to you, don’t do this, times have changed. Bihaan shouts, Thapki... Dhruv says, I'm sorry, Thapki, but if you keep behaving like this, I'll get hurt; I'm fed up, stop it now. She calls out Bihaan. He asks, when will Bihaan die, stop crying, we will sing and dance. He plays, Mehendi laga ke rakhna... in his phone, and dances. He smiles and says, now I will apply henna to you, enjoy the function. He gets angry on seeing B’ written on her palm, and says, I will change this to D, D’ for Dhruv.



Bihaan cries. Thapki recalls her henna ritual and cries. Dhruv applies henna and writes D’ on her palm. He ties her again and goes out to get haldi. Thapki takes a piece from the glass he had broken and cuts the rope. She runs outside. Dhruv comes with haldi; he doesn't see her. She hides. Dhruv senses something and goes to check.



He gets shocked on finding Thapki missing. He throws the haldi and says, why do you do this with me Thapki. He sees her running away and smiles. She shouts Bihaan. Bihaan hears her. She sees him standing far over the bridge and is about to shout when Dhruv peeps in and stops her before taking her away. Bihaan turns, he doesn’t see them. He shouts, Thapki... Bihaan leaves.


Dhruv gets Thapki back to the hideout. He scolds he, then asks her not to cry; he can’t see her crying. Thapki acts like she's fainting. He holds her and asks, what happened? He checks around and finds no water. He says, stay here, I will go and get water. He goes. She calls Bihaan from Dhruv’s phone. Bihaan stops the bike and sees Dhruv’s call. Thapki says, Bihaan, I'm scared, come fast. He says, Thapki, tell me, where are you, I will come there.



She describes the place, and says, I saw you over the bridge, come the soonest. He says, the entire family is searching for you, the police too; don’t worry, we will come. Dhruv comes. She hides the phone. He asks, what’s in your hand, and takes his phone. He gets angry on finding that she called Bihaan.



Bihaan thinks of a temple on the way, and rushes there. He hears Thapki’s voice, and gets inside the place. He sees the tape recorder and throws it angrily. He gets her necklace and sees some blood marks on the pieces of glass. He says, Dhruv, I won’t leave you this time. Dhruv and Thapki are on the way.


She says, police is there, no one can save you now. Dhruv stops her, and says, be silent, if you want Bihaan safe. She shouts for help. Dhruv shuts her mouth with a tape and ties her hands. He says, you know I did not wish to do all these. He puts her in backseat. He says, I will kill Bihaan, just be quiet. She cries.



Dhruv stumbles on a road check; he asks a man about it. The man gives him India’s flag paper, and says, a media guy has run away with someones bribe, that’s why police is checking every car. Dhruv says, fine, and takes the flag. He drives his car ahead, and shows his colored face. He wishes inspector a happy independence day. Inspector says, I have to check your car. Dhruv gets his gun ready. Inspector goes to check a message from control room, and asks Dhruv to go.




Dhruv sees Bihaan by his car’s mirror. He tells inspector that the guy on bike, Bihaan, was talking about some bomb blast misery, just check him. Bihaan shouts at Dhruv to stop. Police stops him and checks him. Bihaan says, I have to go after that car. Thapki sees Bihaan, and cries.


Dhruv gets Thapki to a hideout, an old deserted mill. She says, leave me, and cries. He says, we are going to get married here, go and get ready, I want my bride to look the best, don’t try to run away now. She thinks how to get out from here. Dhruv goes. She gets a kite and writes some message for Bihaan, then prays that the kite reaches him.



Bihaan says, I'm Bihaan Pandey, Balwinder Pandey’s son. Inspector says, why didn't you say that before, and asks him to go. The kite flies to Bihaan. He reads Thapki’s message, directing him to that old mill. He says, this mill is nearby.



Dhruv knocks at the door, asking Thapki whether she's ready. He says, don’t make me helpless, I will get angry. Thapki comes to him. He says, you haven't changed, anyways, you still look beautiful; all rituals are done, just one phera is remaining, then you will be mine, it's our marriage today. She slaps him, and asks, what marriage, you became an animal. He says, I'm and animal, right, and hurts her by twisting her hand. She screams. He says, you have seen my love, now see my madness; I will marry you, come, we will do ghatbandhan now; I'm your Sir Dhruv, your first love, come. She doesn't move. Dhruv holds her hand and forces her.


Bihaan reaches the mill and gets angry on seeing Dhruv. Thapki runs to Bihaan and hugs him. Dhruv and Bihaan have a fight. Dhruv falls down. The family reaches there. Thapki cries and hugs Vasundara. Vasundara says, we all are with you. Pandey asks Bihaan to take everyone and go home, I will send this animal to jail. Dhruv takes a knife and gets up. He stabs Bihaan’s leg. Everyone get shocked. Dhruv holds Thapki and asks everyone to move back. He says, either I will die or my enemy, Thapki is mine, she is my first love.



Vasundara says, Dhruv, we are your family. Dhruv laughs and asks, is this a family. He cries and says, where was my family when my mother, brother and wife cheated me, you all ended my life; I will make Thapki mine, even if I have to kill you all. Bihaan shouts, Dhruv... Dhruv says, move back. Pandey says, Dhruv, we can’t change whatever happened. Dhruv says, it can be changed, dad; I will take the last round with Thapki.

Dhruv scolds the Pandey’s and asks them to go inside a certain cage-like room, else he will kill Thapki. He aims a gun at Thapki. The Pandey’s, left with no choice, enters the cage. Dhruv asks Shraddha, who's still outside the cage, to enter fast. She asks, why should I, I'm here to help you, I don’t like them, you punish them, they are fools. He asks Shraddha to stand quiet, then pushes Thapki towards Bihaan, before pressing a remote, releasing some poisonous gas into the cage. Bihaan asks, what are you doing? Dhruv says, I have put everything on stake, everyone will die in 5mins! The Pandey’s start coughing. Bihaan gets shocked...



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