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 6 min 28 sec

Written by:  Senior Kiongos


Shraddha says why is Vasundara so angry, I need plate to have food. She sees the plates in sink and says these illiterate people have made house dirty. She feels hungry and takes a steel plate to have food. She washes it and wipes it. She sees R R city written on old utensils and says Kosi told this district to Vasundara, it means Vasundara is connected to Kosi, now I understood why was Vasundara so angry, I need to find secret.



Bau ji tells Vasundara not to get angry, children did what I told them. She holds the family pic and says that was not my anger, it was my sorrow and fear, I lost one son, Dhruv went away from us, I won’t let anyone else go from here, Kosi has come to do this, you know this, I won’t let this happen, this is my family, I will save them, even if I have to pay any price.



Sankara sees the costemics and applies on her face. Thapki comes and asks what are you doing here. Sankara says sorry, I was applying makeup. Thapki asks why were you hiding, don’t be sorry, its my room, this makeup is mine, you can use it. Sankara gets glad and applies more makeup. She asks how do I look. Thapki says get up, you look very beautiful, this is enough for today, apply more tomorrow. She recalls what Kosi did and calls her Shankar. Sankara says its Sankar.



Thapki says I need to tell you something, person’s respect is in own hands, when person respects himself, world respects him, you have to respect yourself and fight for right, did you understand. Sankara asks why do you stammer, is there any problem, I know there is sorrow, I will use makeup tomorrow. She goes. Thapki says wrong is happening with Sankara, and she does not know difference between right and wrong, how will she fight for herself, I will teach her to fight for her rights.



Vasundara burns few things, Kosi comes there. Kosi says this time I will take away everything. Thapki looks on. Kosi goes. Thapki says Maa its wrong to burn their things. Vasundara says doing wrong thing on right time and right place is also called right, change your definition of right, it will be good for you and everyone. Bihaan looks on. Vasundara goes. Bihaan tells Thapki that we have to do wrong to deal with wrong people, think of meeting with Radheshyam. She hugs him. its morning, Shraddha says I will ask Sankara, she is innocent and tell secret. She sees washing machine moving and sees Sankara coming out of it. Sankara says I was washing clothes inside it. Shraddha says I was finding you, I had to ask you about Kosi, you are very smart to wash clothes sitting inside machine, I will go and ask Kosi, you carry on washing clothes.



Shraddha goes to Kosi and says I got this wine for you. She acts sweet with Kosi. She sits and tries asking about old relations. Kosi drinks wine and finishes the bottle. Shraddha says you have great capacity to drink it all, I want to know whats the matter troubling you, I will not tell anyone. Kosi says yes, there is a secret. She drinks more wine and asks do you think I m fool to drink wine and say everything. She twists Shraddha’s ear and scolds her. Shraddha goes. Kosi says she came to

know secret from me, the day truth comes out, Pandey family will get shaken up.



Thapki goes for the interview. She prays to Lord that interview goes well, everyone’s hope are on this interview. She goes to meet minister. He welcomes her. He says I believe woman and man are equal, if woman can touch husband’s feet, why can’t husband can’t her feet. He says I touch my wife’s feet every money, she is my strength and inspiration, the credit for my success goes to my wife. He gets a call and asks his wife to get snacks for Thapki. His daughter waves to Thapki.

He comes back and says I m sorry, it was Pm’s call, I have to go and attend meeting, we will keep this interview tomorrow. Thapki says sure. He says I will leave, have snacks and go, say my greetings to Balwinder. He goes.



Thapki sees some marks on minister’s wife’s hand and gets a doubt. Suman and Preeti have a talk. Preeti wears helmet and says she is saving her head. Suman asks why, who will break our head. Preeti says Vasundara has become angry woman, if she can scold Thapki and take keys back, what will she do with us. Suman agrees and says we can get saved if we agree to Vasundara in everything. Thapki comes home and recalls minister.



Bau ji and Bihaan ask Thapki about interview, did she get to see any truth which no one knows. She says interview could not happen today, minister had to go for work, and called me for interview tomorrow, he wished greetings to Bau ji. Bau ji says give my greetings to him tomorrow. Kosi says its kalyug that men manage home and women go out to work, if Sankara does this, I will cut her hair with scissor and make her sit at home. Sankara gives scissors and asks Kosi to cut her hair.



Vasundara takes scissors and says do these drama in your house, you all will be going to your village soon, there is much dirt since they came, we have to keep puja of house peace and purity. Thapki and Bihaan along others do the puja. Naman plays song and disturbs them. Kosi dances. Sankara sits in puja and Kosi gets angry. She drags Sankara and makes her dance. Vasundara asks pandit to continue puja, I will just come. She shouts on them to stop this. Kosi scolds Sankara and makes Sankara dance again. Sankara’s feet gets hurt by glass pieces and she still dances. Kosi does not listen to Vasundara.



Thapki stops Vasundara from throwing more glasses, see Sankara’s state, stop her. Kosi says Sankara won’t stop. Sankara gets dizzy. Thapki scolds Kosi and says Sankara is a human, I won’t let any injustice happen with her. She asks Vasundara to make wrong right, if we do this, what will be difference between them and us. She tells Kosi to see Sankara’s state. She scolds Kosi and says about humanity. Kosi asks her to stop it now, I get headache, how did Vasundara gets this stammering girl for Bihaan, is there any match with Bihaan, even stepmum won’t do this, I think Vasundara is Bihaan’s real mum. They all get shocked. Bihaan shouts on Kosi and says my Maa is Lord for me, and Thapki is more imp than myself, don’t say a word, I m saying for the last time, if you cross limits, I will forget my limit.



Kosi sends Sankara and says till I m here, there won’t be any peace in this house and your life. Thapki asks Sankara what is she doing. Sankara says I m getting chuna from wall to apply on wound. Thapki says this will spread infection, I will apply medicine. She does the aid. Sankara asks why do you stammer. Thapki says I have this weakness since birth, maybe Lord made me such. Sankara says you may feel bad.





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