Nairobi Wire | Kenya Live News
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:50AM
Stephen Munyakho, a Kenyan facing imminent execution in Saudi Arabia, has issued a heartfelt plea for assistance as he faces a grave situation. Munyakho, who was born Stephen Bertrand Munyakho on March 5, 1974, in Pumwani, Nairobi, shared his distressing story during a press briefing on July 24, 2024. As the eldest of nine siblings, Munyakho left Kenya at the age of 22 in 1996 after completing his studies at Nyang’ori Boys High School. Although he initially aimed to pursue further education in the US, he found employment in Saudi Arabia and decided to stay. However, his life took a The post ‘Let’s Bring Back Stevo’ Campaign Raises Kes.11 Million to Save Stephen Munyakho from Execution appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:49AM
Narc-Kenya has announced its decision to exit the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition. The Martha Karua-led party communicated its decision in a letter addressed to Azimio Secretary-General Junet Mohammed. Bashir stated that the exit notice takes effect immediately, in accordance with the coalition agreement. “Kindly take note that our stay in Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition is not tenable due to the prevailing political developments. As NARC Kenya by way of this letter, we are giving notice to exit the Coalition as stipulated in the exit clause (s) in the Coalition Agreement. This notice is effective from the The post Martha Karua Cuts Ties with Azimio Coalition Amid 2027 Political Shifts appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:47AM
In a successful crackdown on notorious thieves targeting locked motor vehicles, Nairobi detectives have apprehended a four-man gang responsible for stealing Kes. 850,000 from a vehicle in Langata. This arrest follows extensive investigations triggered by a report filed at Langata Police Station. On July 17, 2024, a resident of South C-Green Estate 2 reported that money withdrawn from a local bank had been stolen from his locked vehicle. The victim had left the cash inside his car while shopping at Uchumi Supermarket in Langata. Upon returning, he discovered his vehicle had been broken into and the money, stored in a The post Four Arrested for Ksh 850,000 Theft from Locked Vehicle in Langata appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:46AM
The High Court has suspended the rollout of the new digital identity cards, commonly known as Maisha Namba, pending the resolution of a case filed by the Haki na Sheria Initiative. Justice Lawrence Mugambi issued the order, stating that it would be challenging to remedy the damage if the court later ruled the process unconstitutional. “The court is satisfied that based on the latest disclosure, an order suspending any further or continued implementation of Maisha Namba, Maisha card, and Maisha Database pending hearing and determination of this application ought to be issued,” the judge said. Haki na Sheria Initiative told The post Court Pauses New Digital IDs as Haki na Sheria Raises Privacy, Exclusion Fears appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:45AM
A group of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party legislators has rejected the nomination of four ODM members to President William Ruto’s Cabinet. Led by Saboti Member of Parliament Caleb Hamisi, these MPs claimed the appointments resulted from individualistic actions rather than party consensus. Hamisi criticized the nominees, saying, “What happened yesterday was individuals clamoring to get jobs. They are out of ODM, and new generals will emerge, making the party perhaps even more vigorous and formidable.” He made these comments during an appearance on K24 TV on Thursday. Lugari MP Nabii Nabwera echoed these sentiments, stating that the Raila Odinga-led The post ODM MPs Reject Raila Allies Nominated to Cabinet appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:44AM
The National Assembly has set the schedule for vetting Cabinet Secretaries nominated by President William Ruto. In a notice issued on Thursday, July 25, 2024, the Assembly announced that the vetting process will begin on Thursday, August 1, 2024, and continue for four days, concluding on Sunday, August 4, 2024. The vetting sessions will occur daily, with at least five nominees appearing before the Committee on Appointments each day, starting at 8:00 am in the Mini-Chamber, County Hall, Parliament Buildings. On the first day, former Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki will be the first nominee to face the Committee at The post Assembly Schedules Four-Day Vetting Process for Cabinet Nominees appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:43AM
A judge has refused to lift the orders that prevent former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu from collecting rental income from two of his properties, which were frozen last year due to suspicions they are proceeds of corruption. High Court Judge Nixon Sifuna ruled on Wednesday, July 24, that the freeze order should stay in effect until the case concludes. The judge, however, ordered an expedited hearing of the case, stating that forfeiture proceedings are delicate and punitive, and freeze orders should not be extended unnecessarily. “In this case, I determine that the interim injunctive orders currently in place shall remain The post Judge Upholds Freeze on Waititu’s Hotel Revenues in Corruption Case appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:42AM
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino has declared himself the de facto opposition leader, challenging the current political landscape and denouncing what he sees as political opportunism. In a media interview on Thursday, July 25, 2024, Owino criticized Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) leaders who recently took up Cabinet positions. He accused them of prioritizing personal gain over the interests of the opposition movement. “Actually from today henceforth, I am the chief opposition leader, because there are so many jokes, doing rounds. There are so many people, who are in the opposition, who are now in bed with the government,” Babu stated. The post Babu Owino Declares Himself Chief Opposition Leader appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:41AM
The National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) has poked holes in the recent cabinet secretary nominations, highlighting non-compliance with the one-third gender rule and insufficient representation of persons with disabilities. In a statement, NGEC said it conducted a preliminary review and made key observations. Out of the 21 nominees, 15 are male and 6 are female, resulting in a composition of 17 males and 6 females, including the President and Deputy President. “The current configuration does not adhere to Article 27(8) of the Kenyan Constitution, which mandates that no more than two-thirds of an appointive body should be of the The post Commission Points Out Constitutional Violations in Ruto’s Cabinet Nominations appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:40AM
The Kakamega Small Claims Court (SCC) has summoned Mumias East MP Peter Salasya to appear on August 1, 2024, to explain why he should not be arrested and jailed for six months for failing to settle his longstanding debt. Kakamega SCC adjudicator Carolyne Cheriuiyot instructed Salasya to appear in person or through his advocate to address his failure to repay businessman Robert Lutta the sum of Ksh 565,712. The court issued these orders after Lutta applied to change the method of executing the decree. This development came after National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetang’ula filed an objection, arguing that the car The post Peter Salasya’s Financial Woes: Court Summons MP for Debt Default appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 26, 2024 at 06:08AM
Teaching is an ever-changing job that is demanding and challenging. With new technology as well as social issues and new discoveries in education constantly emerging, teachers have to be committed to continuous learning in order to remain productive. But how can schools deliver healthy professional development? The standard “one-size-fits-all” workshop model rarely accommodates a variety of needs. Digital training, though useful, is not able to provide human interaction and assistance. The solution is on-site professional development that is specifically tailored to schools’ specific needs and priorities.  This article will discuss the factors that go into creating and encouraging outstanding on-site The post Navigating On-Site Professional Growth: Strategies And Successes appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:50AM
State prosecutor Renson Ingonga provided an update on the progress of investigations into police brutality, revealing that he cannot proceed with prosecuting police officers accused of killing four anti-government protesters due to significant gaps in the investigation. The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) explained that the files and reports provided by the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (Ipoa) are insufficient to support charges against those responsible for the deaths of Rex Masai, Dominic Mutua, Evans Karobia, and Gianna Obonyo. Rex Masai In the case of Rex Masai, who was killed during anti-government protests in Nairobi, the DPP revealed on Tuesday that The post DPP Laments Challenges in Prosecuting Police Officers Over Protester Killings appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:49AM
President William Ruto has announced a series of legislative amendments aimed at tackling corruption and enhancing transparency in Kenya. In a Wednesday press briefing, he outlined his plans to propose changes to the Evidence Act and the Criminal Procedure Code. These amendments aim to expedite the investigation and prosecution of corruption and economic crimes, ensuring their conclusion within six months. “I will be proposing amendments to the Evidence Act, the Criminal Procedure Code, among other necessary legislative amendments to all statutes relating to corruption, to expedite the investigation and prosecution of corruption and economic crimes cases and provide for their The post Ruto Proposes Major Reforms to Curb Corruption and Protect Whistle-Blowers appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:47AM
Members of the public have one week to submit memoranda challenging the suitability of 10 Cabinet Secretary nominees forwarded to the National Assembly by the President. Clerk of the National Assembly Samuel Njoroge has announced that submissions must be made in writing and include supporting evidence. The vetting process will span 28 days, after which the committee will compile a report for debate in the National Assembly. “In compliance with Article 118(1)(b) of the Constitution and section 6(9) of the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act, 2011, the Clerk of the National Assembly hereby invites members of the public to submit The post Public Invited to Submit Objections to Cabinet Nominees by Next Week appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:46AM
In the Kes.1.1 billion Finland education scholarship case against Uasin Gishu Senator Jackson Mandago, witnesses testified how unexpected additional fees jeopardized the program. Senator Mandago, along with county officials Joshua Lelei and Meshack Rono, faces charges of conspiring to steal Kes.1.1 billion intended for the Uasin Gishu County Overseas Education Programme. Mr. Mandago also faces a separate charge of abuse of office. The witnesses told a Nakuru court that the hidden fees overburdened parents, making it impossible for students to continue their studies. Ms. Salina Cherono, a county official whose son had secured a scholarship to study nursing at Laurea The post Hidden Costs Forced Students Out of Finland Scholarship Scheme, Court Hears appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:45AM
The Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) confirmed that Adani Airport Holdings Limited has submitted an investment proposal to modernize the dilapidated infrastructure of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA). KAA Acting CEO Henry Ogoye explained to the media that JKIA’s aging infrastructure threatens its regional competitiveness, making an overhaul necessary. Ogoye stated that the Cabinet has approved a comprehensive upgrade initiative called the JKIA Medium Term Investment Plan, which requires significant capital investment that the government cannot afford due to current fiscal constraints. KAA explained that Adani’s proposal includes significant improvements to the passenger terminal building, runway, taxiway, and apron. In a The post KAA Confirms Adani’s Plan for Comprehensive JKIA Modernization appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:44AM
The Shanzu court has resumed the hearing of the Shakahola massacre case, where prime suspect pastor Paul Mackenzie and others face terrorism-related charges. The sixth prosecution witness, a homicide detective, is set to continue his testimony before Senior Principal Magistrate Leah Juma. Earlier in the proceedings, Police Constable Bernard Jefwa provided details about the discovery of the Shakahola victims. He recounted how he found the victims bound with ropes and wrapped in blankets and white sheets. Jefwa explained that he exhumed the 429 bodies one at a time from the extensive forest and then transferred them to the morgue. “I The post Shakahola Case Resumes: Homicide Detective Continues Testimony on Mass Exhumations appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:43AM
Fourteen petitioners, represented by the Migeria Lempaa & Kariuki Advocates firm, have filed a case seeking the removal of President William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua from office. The petition outlines six key reasons for their removal, as detailed in a court document. The petitioners argue that both Ruto and Gachagua have problematic backgrounds and have undertaken harmful socio-economic actions that have triggered widespread civic unrest. This unrest first became apparent with the rejection of the Finance Bill and led to the dissolution of the Cabinet. They assert that Ruto and Gachagua have shown a lack of good faith The post Petition Filed to Remove Ruto and Gachagua from Office appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:42AM
President William Ruto announced the government’s commitment to implementing a salary increase for prison and police officers starting this month. During the swearing-in ceremony for the new Prisons Service Commissioner General, Patrick Mwiti Arandu, at State House on Wednesday morning, President Ruto announced that officers will receive the first installment of their salary increment this month. This pay rise follows the recommendations of the Taskforce led by former Chief Justice David Maraga last year. “As part of our commitment made last year, we will enhance salaries starting this month. Prison officers and all security agencies will receive the first installment The post Ruto Confirms Pay Rise for Police and Prison Officers Starting This Month appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:41AM
A group of Kenyan activists has petitioned the High Court to halt the implementation of a secret deal between President William Ruto and the US administration, which designates Kenya as a non-NATO ally of the United States. The activists, led by Cyprian Nyamwamu, seek to suspend Ruto’s covert decision to allow the US government to build and operate a military airfield or airport in Lamu County on the Kenyan coast. In May, US President Joe Biden announced the elevation of Kenya to the status of “major non-NATO ally,” making it the first sub-Saharan African nation to receive this designation. However, The post Activists Petition High Court to Block Ruto-Biden US Alliance Deal appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:40AM
President William Ruto announced that the government will drop charges against innocent individuals arrested during recent anti-government demonstrations. The Head of State also promised to swiftly address police abuses that occurred during the protests. Addressing the media at State House on Wednesday, President Ruto expressed deep regret over the loss of lives and injuries sustained during the demonstrations. “It is with deep regret that I have to say that many Kenyans lost their lives and others were injured. This is not how our democracy should be run,” he stated. President Ruto emphasized that while charges against innocent protesters will be The post Ruto Promises Freedom for Innocent Protesters and Support for Victims’ Families appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:11AM
When it comes to investing, short-term and long-term investors alike have one thing in common once they decide to sell Bitcoin: they want to sell their Bitcoin as soon as possible to profit from advantageous market conditions. Selling your Bitcoin holdings might yield very large profits, but if important precautions are not taken, it can also result in a net loss. We’ll investigate what to look for while trying to instant sell Bitcoin for cash in this article. Things to Evaluate When Trying to Instant Sell Bitcoin for Cash When deciding whether to instant sell Bitcoin for cash, consider the The post Considerations When You Want to Instant Sell Bitcoin for Cash appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:08AM
Casino is a place where any player can try his luck and get a chance to win a large amount of money. However, despite this, many gambling enthusiasts do not know about one of the most profitable opportunities – getting Cherry Gold Casino promo codes. Cherry Gold Casino is one of the most popular online casinos that offers its players a variety of games and high chances of winning.  What are Cherry Gold casino promo codes Cherry Gold casino promo codes are special codes that allow players to get various bonuses and privileges. In most cases, promo codes are provided The post Cherry Gold casino promo codes opportunities appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 25, 2024 at 06:04AM
What makes a dental practice genuinely exceptional? Have you ever considered how modern dentistry can enhance your smile and overall health? If these questions resonate with you, you’re not alone. Many seek a dental practice combining cutting-edge technology with a personal touch. The Charm of Downtown Dentistry Located in the heart of Vancouver, downtown dentistry offers a unique blend of convenience and advanced care. When searching for a Downtown Dentist Vancouver, you’ll find practices focusing on innovation and patient comfort. These dentists understand the importance of accessibility, providing high-quality care right where you need it most. The Modern Touch in The post Downtown Dental Delights: Modern Dentistry with a Personal Touch appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 24, 2024 at 02:50PM
President William Ruto has finally unveiled his new Cabinet, marking an important shift in the country’s political landscape. The announcement, made in a televised address to the nation on Wednesday afternoon, comes just weeks after Ruto’s decision to dissolve his entire Cabinet, after nationwide protests led by young people. The new lineup reflects a strategic blend of familiar faces and fresh appointees, with some previously sacked members finding their way back into the fold. Notable appointments include Kipchumba Murkomen, who takes the helm of the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Creative Economy and Sports, and Rebecca Miano, now heading the Tourism The post Ruto Blends Old and New Faces in New ‘Handshake’ Cabinet appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 24, 2024 at 06:49AM
The government has submitted its economic resuscitation plan to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for approval, following the withdrawal of the contentious Finance Bill, 2024. President William Ruto’s administration has sought new funding of Kes.477 billion ($3.6 billion) from the Bretton Woods Institution to cover the deficit created by withdrawing the controversial legislation. During a presentation to parliamentarians on Monday, National Treasury Principal Secretary Chris Kiptoo revealed that Kenya had already begun discussions with the IMF about the potential disbursement of these funds. He also disclosed that the government is in contact with the World Bank to secure additional financing. The post Govt Seeks Kes.477 Billion from IMF After Finance Bill Withdrawal appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 24, 2024 at 06:48AM
The State Department for Labour and Skills Development has announced a second mass recruitment drive for specialist Kenyan nurses seeking jobs abroad. In a notice, the department indicated that successful candidates would secure employment in hospitals operated by the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). “The State Department for Labour and Skills Development is pleased to announce a second recruitment drive for specialist nurses for employment in government hospitals in the KSA. Interested and qualified Kenyans are invited to apply for the positions,” the announcement read. The first mass recruitment drive for these nursing positions took place in The post Govt Launches Second Recruitment Drive for Specialist Nurses to Work in Saudi Arabia appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 24, 2024 at 06:48AM
The post Hilarious Trending Memes in Nairobi This Wednesday appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 24, 2024 at 06:47AM
All Cabinet nominees will undergo vetting, Speaker Moses Wetangula communicated to the National Assembly on Tuesday afternoon. The Speaker announced the names of the 10 nominees selected by the President for appointment to the Offices of Cabinet Secretary, including those retained by President William Ruto in the fresh nominations unveiled last Friday. On Tuesday, however, President Ruto reassigned Aden Duale from the Defence Ministry to the Environment docket. Soipan Tuya, initially nominated for the Environment Ministry, has been moved to the powerful Defence Ministry. Notably, Rebecca Miano, who was nominated for the Attorney General post, was also absent from the The post Wetangula Announces Vetting of All New Cabinet Nominees appeared first on Nairobi Wire.
Jul 24, 2024 at 06:46AM
The Ministry of Health has asked Parliament to allocate Kes.100 million for a new round of public participation concerning the Social Health Insurance Act (SHIA) and other Universal Health Care (UHC) laws. This request follows a High Court ruling that declared these laws unconstitutional. The SHIA, along with the Digital Health Act and the Primary Health Care Act, aims to replace the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF). However, the court invalidated these acts due to insufficient public participation and other legal issues. A three-judge bench, comprising Justices Alfred Mabeya, Robert Limo, and Fredrick Mugambi, has given Parliament 120 days to The post Ministry Requests Kes.100 Million for New UHC Public Participation After High Court Ruling appeared first on Nairobi Wire.

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