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It is all set for the party that night, guests arrived. Roman also arrived and presented gift to Jean . He asked about the whereabouts of Jacob.He later saw Jake and asked Jacob to calm his nerves, saying everything will be fine. Jean after attending to the guests said they should feel at home.Jacob’s family arrived and he and Jean went to greet them. Jacob’s father hugged Jean:
“Happy birthday to the best decision my son had made,” Jacob’s father said. They then sat on one table and the father told Jacob that he should find a better doctor to recommend a good nurse for his sick mom to ensure his mom’s recovery from her stroke.Jacob went for Roman and came with him to greet his father. Jacob asked whether he still remembers Roman and he said yes he was his business partner. When Roman left them the father said he loved Edward Lamoste more since he was the best business partner.
Sonya’s family arrived at the function and a as they were going they caught attention due to their level. Jean was happy that they made it there. Jacob said their presence has made Jean happy and thanked them for coming.Jean ushered them to a special table she reserved for them.After they settled on the table Domeng and his female friend went to serve themselves. As they were standing Jacob and Roman signaled eachother. Their eyes suggested that they were plotting evil against Sonya’s family.
Paco joined Domeng, he also went to serve himself as he was doing Anna signaled Domeng not to say anything as she wanted to take Paco by surprised.She went close to Paco and thanked him for coming, they had a chitchat and Sonya did not like the eyes her son watch Anna with. She tried to disrupt them by taking her plate with an idea of going to serve herself.Before she reached Anna had already said bye to Paco. Sonya asked Paco what was going on between Anna and him because they had a long time chatting which could make people think otherwise about them.
Nanny went to tell the rest of Sonya’s friends to go and serve themselves at that moment Katrina had already promised Jake that he would take care of Sonya and her friends since he did not want them close to his family.Asthey left the table Jean saw it as an opportunity to orchestrates her plans but Sonya and her family arrived.
As Anna was singing to usher the start of the party Domeng had an upset stomach. Katrina saw how desperate Domeng was to find a rest room she approached him and showed him where he could go.At that moment Paco was videoing Anna, Katrina after what she did joined Paco. She also tried to take footage of Anna’s performance.
After Anna gave a lovely performance to cheer her mother and the guests the applauded her for the amazing performance.Anna said she heard her mom cry the night her father died. That she said saddened her heart knowing who she had been left in her life was only her mother.
Through it all, Anna said she took care of her even when her dad was not there. Jean became a mother and father as well. She then asked her mom to wipe off her tears as eventually her 12 years pain will go away. Anna said her hugs, ki$$es, love always gives her hope that she has somebody to depend on.
“I lost my dad but this beautiful woman here put all efforts to make me feel happy,” She then wished her happy birthday.
Paco and Sonya were blown by the story said by Anna. Sonya then realised that Domeng was not there and she began asking for him.After using the washroom, Domeng then returned to the party. Jean thanked Sonya and her family for gracing the event. Sonya then hugged Anna.
As they were exchanging pleasantries, Jacob’s father asked of his leave and said his wallet was missing.Everyone became speechless so they began searching everyone present at the party and they started with the waiters. Katrina came to inform them that they had searched everyone except the Alipio family.
Jean said they were her friends and they can’t search them. Anna also intervened but Jacob said they could not allow them to go they would have to be searched.Paco also said they were people with dignity and they would not be able to commit the crime they were talking about. They searched their bags and eventually found the wallet in Domeng’s bag.
Domeng said he was innocent, Paco then dragged him aside to ask him how the wallet ended in his bag and he said he had nothing to do with that. He told Paco that he knew him well and he knows he is not a thief.Paco then returned to defend his brother but Jacob called the guards to come for Doneng. Sonya protected him and said she would not allow that so they should arrest her instead.
Jacob said, that is what he had been telling Jean and she would not listen. He said he would not let things slide so he would get Domeng arrested and Sonya said they should arrest her instead. Jean said they should solve the issue in a more civilised manner. Jean asked the rest of the guests to leave. Paco said before they would arrest Domeng they should watch the CCTV footage.
Katrina now became disturbed, Jean and Jacob together with his father met in a private place and Jean said Sonya did not deserve to be treated that way. She told Jacob that there was no need for him to call the police, she would go and watch the the CCTV footage but Jake stopped her and said they should wait for Roman. Jean said she had belief in Sonya since she turned down her scholarship proposal as Educare holder she could bet that she and her family were innocent.