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The episode starts with Naman showing Kosi Bihaan's medical report, and saying, we staged that drama just to get Bihaan's report, fortunately, Bihaan's blood group matches with John's, meaning Bihaan's kidney can be transplanted to John! When doctors said John's kidneys failed, Kosi explains, I was shocked and felt we will lose him. Then a doctor said that John can be saved if any of our family member’s kidney is given to him, Naman adds, but our blood groups did not match with John's.
That's why we came here to take Bihaan for tests, Kosi reveals, and all tests were done today, everyone thought it's Thapki's prasad that fainted him, we did this so successfully that even Thapki didn't know, she doesn't know the prasad she fed Bihaan was drugged, now that Bihaan's reports have passed, he can give his kidney to John. But there is a problem, Naman adds, we found out that Bihaan has just one kidney, meaning we have to kill Bihaan to save John! Let him die, Kosi says, I don't care about his life, we left him many years ago, we just want John to be alive, get Bihaan's kidney at all cost! Thapki doesn't hear them.
She picks a vase then goes on Vasundara's call. Fortunately, Dadimaa overhears the entire truth. She tries to reach Thapki, in vain. Kosi and Naman drag her inside the room. Thapki turns, but sees no one. She goes. Naman and Kosi threaten to kill Dadimaa. Dadimaa scolds them for plotting to take Bihaan's only functioning kidney. Kosi says, this old lady knows the entire truth, now she has to die! Kosi forces Dadimaa to write her own suicide note.
It's morning, Shraddha asks some unfriendly looking men to identify themselves, and who called them. Kosi says, I called them, and you've no right to question me, this is my house. Pandey asks her to answer, who are these men and what are they here for? Naman says, I have the answer, look here? Dadimaa is inside that big trunk. The men lift the trunk and take it.
Thapki asks, what's inside it? Naman says, it's junk, I'm donating it, do you have any problem? Kosi asks Thapki to get lost. Shraddha stops the men, and says, wait here, I'm coming back in a few. Kosi and Naman say, no need to wait for her, just go. Shraddha returns running, and says, I've got enough colorful sarees, keep these plain ones, they nolonger hold value in my colourful life, take them. Kosi says, our box has no space, take them somewhere else.
Shraddha says, this trunk isn't less of an elephant, are you trying to say there's no space left, maybe you don't know how to arrange things, I will arrange the items. Kosi sits on top of the trunk and asks her to donate her belongings separately.
Shraddha asks, why are you shouting, I'm giving you my sarees, I'm not taking anything from you; fine, I will donate them myself. Dadimaa tries to signal them, she hits the trunk. Shraddha hears the sound, and asks, what's inside this trunk? Dadimaa's mouth is tied, she can't shout.
Shraddha asks, which sound is coming from this trunk? Kosi says, it might be the utensils' rattle. Shraddha says, fine, go to hell. She goes. Bihaan comes and stops Kosi, saying, I also want to put my things in that trunk. He gets a box and shows all the things he was gifted by Pandey and Vasundara.
He says, I just see hatred and cheat in these items, so I will give them away. He shouts, they're nothings but scepters of lie, and throws them there. He angrily says, none of them matters to me now. He's about to opens the trunk to put those items. Kosi gets tensed. Thapki looks on.
Thapki stops Bihaan before opening the trunk, and says, to you, these items may nolonger have value, but to me, my husband's belongings are very special, I will keep them. Dadimaa sees them from inside.
Thapki says, you got blind folded, that's why you can't see this bare truth, but I won't neglect truth. She asks Naman to take the belongings. Bihaan leaves. Kosi gets relieved and asks Thapki to keep Bihaan's items if she wishes so. She asks Naman to hurry. Kosi gets John's call and asks, will you come late... ok, come soon.
You've saved old memories, Vasundara tells Thapki, what about old relations? Thapki says, nothing will happen to old relations, I will keep these items back to our room. No, Vasundara says, keep them in Dadimaa's room, your relation with Bihaan is facing tough times now and he might get more irritated with them, maybe Bihaan will reposses these items some day.
Naman asks Dadimaa to come out, and sarcastically says, maybe you're having fun in that trunk. He ties her and asks her to calm down. He says, this is your house's backside, no one comes here, stay here and sing some hymns for your approaching end. Dadi says, my children will come for me.
Naman laughs and reminds her about the note they made her write. Thapki goes to Dadi's room but doesn't find her. She gets the note and gets shocked. Pandey reads Dadi's letter, saying, ‘my heart is restless, I can't see my house breaking, I want peace, so I'm going on an endless journey of peace, I don't know when I will come back.’ The Pandey's miss Dadi.
Pandey gets priest's call, and says, this time we can't keep Lord Ganesh. Vasundara grabs the phone and tells priest that they will welcome Lord Ganesh's idol before mahurat. Pandey asks her, what did you do? She says, let Ganesh come, Thapki said this house needs me, but the truth is, this house needs the Lord's blessings, Ganesh will take away all our problems. Thapki agrees. Kosi comes and says, this time I will get Lord Ganesh, this is my family, my house and here is my son, why would strangers welcome Lord Ganesh for us.
Vasundara says, we have always welcomed Ganesh here every year, don't snatch this right from us, this is our tradition. Kosi taunts her, saying, you nolonger have a house, this time we will get Ganesh. Thapki asks, will this house fight over the Lord too, Bihaan, say something. Bihaan says, this work doesn't suit the one whose heart is bad.
Vasundara accepts the challenge, and says, we will be the ones to get Lord Ganesh. Shraddha asks, who will decide this. Sankar says, the one who gets Ganesh's idol before mahurat will place it at home. Kosi says, for the first time, Sankar has spoken sense, so the decision is made, one who gets the Lord's idol first will grabs the privilege to place it at the inhouse temple.
John comes late and says, sorry, I came late, why are you still awake? Shraddha says, I did not get any sleep, Kosi and Vasundara are competing to get Lord Ganesh home. He says, that's a small thing, it's not worth any sweat. She says, every tiny thing here is a big issue. He says, you are funny. She asks, are you making fun of me? He says, no, I'm complimenting you, your smile is sweet. She says, no one has ever complimented me, thank you. He goes. She says, sweet smile... and gets glad.
Thapki looks at the sky. Bihaan rests outside in balcony. Thapki cries. Paas aaye…hamari adhuri kahani…plays... They recall each other. Bihaan cries and says, we are not together today. Thapki says, I'm always with you, standing with your family is standing with you. Bihaan says, this is not my family.
John asks, who agreed to give me kidney? Naman says, it doesn't matter, you only need to underline that you'll soon get fine. Kosi says, you will not go away from us. John jokes with them, and goes to share the good news with his friends. Naman asks Kosi about the following day's challenge. Kosi smiles, and asks him to see what will happen.
Sankar goes to Bihaan and asks, are you upset, why are you crying, shall I tell you a joke? She narrates Elephant and Mouse’s story to him... She says, the moral of this story is, sometimes we have to go against our loved ones for their own good. He says, you're right, sometimes we have to go against our loved ones for their own good! Vasundara tells Thapki the same quote, and encourages her to keep holding onto faith, for Lord Ganesh will straighten every bend in their family, including bringing Bihaan back to her arms.
Vasundara gets shocked on seeing the entire house messed up. Thapki calms her down. Vasundara, Suman and Preeti ask Thapki to go and get Lord Ganesh. Bihaan says, I will also leave for Lord Ganesh. He asks for John. Kosi says, John is still sleeping, but we have to get Lord Ganesh home to maintain the Jaiswal's respect. Vasundara says, we will have to be the first to bring Lord Ganesh home to maintain the Pandey's tradition. Both families leave.