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 5 min 59 sec
Sankar says, Bihaan is unwell, I overheard you saying you wanted to give him something, so I stolen the medicine; it's my right to take care of him, he is my Lord and everything, he is my husband! She cries. Kosi says, he did not marry you. Sankar says, but I believed he's my husband, my heart married him long ago, that's why I stayed with him since childhood. Kosi says, Thapki is his wife. Sankar says, I got to know it here, that won't end my relation with him! Kosi slaps her and asks her to return that powder. Sankar gives it back. Kosi says, if you do this again, I will burn you alive.
The episode starts with Vasundara giving prasad to Pandey. Thapki and Bihaan pray. Sankar stands beside Bihaan. Vasundara says, I can't eat anything now, we all fasted for Riddhi and Siddhi. Sankar asks her to expound. Vasundara says, Riddhi and Siddhi are Lord Ganesh's wives, when we pray to him and keep fast, they get happy, husbands break wive's fast and perform rituals. Sankar says, I will also keep the fast. Thapki asks, where is your husband? Sankar looks at Bihaan and says, he is right infront of me. Thapki asks, what do you mean? Sankar says, I mean I feel like he is with me. Vasundara says, what's the use, a husband should take care of his wife and support her, he should break her fast, see how Bihaan takes care of Thapki, but he is annoyed with Thapki now. Thapki says, even if he is annoyed, he will break my fast.
Thapki cooks, she puts a hot cooker on the slab. Kosi intentionally holds it and screams, you burnt my hands. Bihaan sees this and asks, how did this happen? He puts her hands in running water. Thapki asks, how did this happen? Kosi says, I was washing utensils, you should have told me this cooker is hot. Bihaan scolds Thapki for doing this intentionally. Kosi says, leave it, I should have checked it, she kept fast for you, you should take care of her. He says, one who doesn't care or respect my mother doesn't deserve my attention. Vasundara comes and asks, what are you saying? Bihaan says, Kosi is my mum, if Thapki is my wife then she should respect my relations; come Maa, I will apply some ointment. He takes Kosi. Vasundara consoles Thapki.
Sanjay asks servant not to serve food, as women are also hungry. Ashwin says, they have kept fast. Sanjay says, yes, if we eat food infront of them, they will also wish to have food. Pandey says, yes, and asks the servant to take food to their rooms, they will eat there. Suman and Preeti are glad to have awesome husbands. Bihaan asks Kosi to serve him food, he will have it. Kosi says, but Thapki… He says, she doesn't care for you, I don't care for her either, give me food else I won't have any. Thapki gets sad.
Kosi serves Bihaan. Vasundara stops Thapki from leaving. She asks herself, if Bihaan stays angry, how will Thapki break her fast? Bihaan says, I don't want to eat, and goes. Kosi smiles on seeing Thapki crying. Vasundara is worried. Preeti asks her to come and break her fast, why are we waiting? Suman says, we are waiting for Thapki, she won't have anything till Bihaan breaks her fast. Vasundara says, we will have food with Thapki. Suman asks Sankar, have you broke your fast? Sankar goes and says, this is for Kosi, how do they think I broke my fast, how can I break my fast without having anything with Bihaan. Suman tells her plan to break Thapki's fast. Vasundara agrees. Sankar and Thapki are shown.
Suman gives Bihaan some water. He says, I did not ask for it. She says, you should drink it, it's just water. He drinks. She asks, are you drinking it all, leave it, why are you drinking it when you didn't ask for it? He gets puzzled. Kosi looks on. Suman and Preeti get the glass to Thapki, and ask her to break her fast by drinking that water, which Bihaan drank. Kosi says, Thapki's fast will break this way. Vasundara asks Thapki to drink fast, there was no better way. Kosi gets a catapult. She aims the glass and shoots. The glass falls. They all look around and Kosi hides.
Preeti says, what will happen now! Thapki says, it's fine Maa, you all have done a lot for me, you're free to break your fasts. Vasundara says, no, this won't happen. Preeti and Suman say they will plan something else. Thapki says, I will be hurt if you stay hungry. Suman says, Bihaan won't agree. Preeti asks, will you stay hungry forever for Bihaan. Thapki says, I can do anything for him, y'all can break your fasts, please.
The husbands break their wives' fasts. Kosi sees Thapki and smiles, saying, did Thapki think I'm Vasundara, Bihaan is going to die soon. Prayers are done, Kosi says, everyone broke their fast, priest didn't come for Ganesh's abhishek. Sankar says, Bihaan is a son of this house, he can do abhishek. Kosi says, yes, let him pray for the last time, I mean priest will come tomorrow.
Bihaan prays. He performes Ganesh abhishek by pouring milk on the idol. Thapki and Sankar stand beside him. Sankar takes the milk in bowl. Thapki thanks Sankar for helping her and hugs her. She drinks the milk and breaks her fast. Bihaan looks on and says, situation can change, but things between us can't change, that's why I had little milk from it, so that you can break your fast. Thapki thanks Sankar for the help, and says, I wish your wish gets fulfilled. Sankar thinks, how'll the Lord help me, there is no milk left, maybe this tulsi leaf can help me, I've regarded Bihaan as my husband since childhood, even if Thapki is with him now or not. She eats the tulsi leaf and breaks her fast.
Kosi asks Vasundara, what's all this? Vasundara says, we will be doing a tradition, where we design pots and then fill them with grains and donate to needy people, these four pottery wheels are for four couples. Kosi says, good, but will Bihaan support Thapki? Bihaan comes and says, I will support Thapki, Dadi started this tradition and I will fulfill it, I'm doing this just for Dadi.
Preeti thanks the Lord for a new phone and says, what shall I do with my old phone? She calls Sankar and says, I'm giving you this phone in charity. Sankar says, I don't even know how to use a phone, what will I do with this. Preeti asks her to message, call and click selfies. She takes a selfie and shows her. Kosi calls Sankar. Preeti asks Sankar to keep the phone.


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