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 3 min 36 sec
Donna Marie refuses to take a DNA test with the new parents.Donna belle tries to reach out to Brianna but she pushes her away.She wanted to join Brianna's team like the usual but Brianna sound to be quiet rude and annoying.Kendra noticed theres something wrong with Donna Belle.She tells her to giver them,kendra and Brianna,a chance to be part of her family,and she should move on with life.Kendra tries to make her happy as an acting mother.
Its time for Donna Marie to move out with the new found parents.Lilian seems to be much proctective,she doesn't want to let go of her.Ruben brings Donna Marie a phone so they will be talking and chatting.Donna Marie goes but lilian is not ok.Infact she wants to follow her back but Ruben calms her down.
The newly found family is at home now.Gwyneth had already bought Donna Marie some drawing books,and reading books as a surprise.Donna Marie thanks them for that.That day they had some fun together .
Ruben got a surprise for lilian.He did exactly what he used to do when they were still engaged.Remember Ruben still loves and still cares for lilian.He also gives her some flowers then shared food together.They are just like couples .
Kendra wants to be Donna Belle's mother.She's doing anything possible to make her happy.They dropped by the road and she asks donna Belle where does she feels like going.Either shopping or a movie.On the same road but a little distance,,Donna Marie is standing with Gwyneth.Gwyneth promises to do anything possible to make her happy the rest of her life.As they are talking ,Donna Belle will see Donna Marie,same case Donna Marie will see donna Belle.Donna Marie decides to go to Donna Belle,but unfortunately she got pumbed into a car.
Meanwhile, Gwyneth was searching best restaurants in her phone,but accidentally donna Marie gets an accident.Donna Belle too was heading along to donna Marie,but immediately when she got an accident,donna Belle fainted.At home as lilian is Washing some dishes she feels something wrong,a glass of wine falls down and breaks.Its a sign of ☠️danger somewhere.
The two parties,kendra vs Gwyneth,are crying for help.
Lilian asks ruben to call donna Marie to know how she's doing.When calling,they'll find the phone switched off.They called Gwyneth and Elmer too but no one picked the phone.Elmer decides to call Ruben but Gwyneth takes the phone,she refuses not to.But finally,Elmer called Ruben and reported the incident.
Kendra had took Donna Belle home for some rest,its now that she wake up.But she doesnt remember what happened.At the hospital,Donna Marie needs a compatible donor for blood transfusion.Unfortunately, Elmer's and Gwyneth's blood didn't match with donna Marie's.Lilian gets shocked to the latter .Ruben asks the blood type for donna Marie and finds that her and his are the same,AB negative,so he decides to be the donor.
Kendra brings ice and juice to make donna Belle feel better.Donna belle thanks her calling her mother .Kendra smiles because she has won her mind and intentions.At the hospital,lilian tries to ask Gwyneth why her blood didn't match with Donna Marie's,but Gwyneth sounds to be really harsh as they get out with Elmer .
Brianna congratulates kendra for her efforts that she made upon Donna Belle calling her mother.kendra tells Brianna its her time to be a good big sister to Donna Belle.Lilian wonders how come Ruben has the same blood type with Donna Marie.Ruben will tells her of the incident when he first met up with donna Marie at the shop when they fought with the bad boys.
Gwyneth and Elmer are heading home.On their way Elmer will decide to check the test results.Everything was a negative . The results were 0%.Gwyneth doesn't want to admit it,but she insists that its a lie.She doesn't want to let go of donna Marie since they're not related in anything.


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